Parade Booking Form
Fill in as many details as you can to submit your registration for the Parade.
The information you submit will be used by the MC on the day to announce the entries as they pass by Buckingham Street.
PLEASE NOTE: Buckingham Street has had some upgrades in the past year.
*Due to the new flower boxes, there is less space on Buckingham Street. Please ensure floats are no more than 3 meters wide.
*Take note of the speed bump by the bakery at the end of Buckingham Street.
The parade will start at 2pm – the idea is to keep a slow enough pace for the walkers but also keep it fast enough for the parade to flow nicely. It is important you don’t stop the parade. Also please ensure all participants in your float are safe and secure.
All participants must assemble on Wilcox Green at 1.20pm at the latest – go to the marquee set up on the green where you will be given your number and place in the parade; please find where you should be in the line up and stay in that position throughout the parade.
Please do not throw lollies or handouts during the parade – this is purely for safety reasons as the numbers attending the parade each year has grown. We need to ensure everyone’s safety and we don’t want kids running on to the road, where there are moving vehicles, to pick up lollies. Please abide by this rule as it is there to protect everyone. We will have Parade Fairies that hand out goodies safely.
All community groups are in the running to win the prize for Best Community Float which will be awarded prior to the parade starting.